
級別: 正式會員
精華主題: 0
發帖數量: 2 個
工控威望: 91 點
下載積分: 571 分
在線時間: 5(小時)
注冊時間: 2015-11-01
最后登錄: 2022-02-03
查看cjwater的 主題 / 回貼
樓主  發表于: 2016-12-18 09:49
除塵系統315-2 拖2個ET200m站點,意外停機,后來重啟CPU 好了,不知道原因。故障時候SF BF STOP 燈常亮。請各位老師不吝賜教,謝謝!

Diagnostic buffer of module CPU 315-2 DP

Order No./ Description         Component                      Version                      
6ES7 315-2AH14-0AB0            Hardware                       6                            
- - -                          Firmware                       V 3.3.11                      
Boot Loader                    Firmware expansion             A 37.12.12                  

Rack:                          0
Slot:                          2

Serial number: S C-F6DW50132015

Event 1 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4302
Mode transition from STARTUP to RUN
Startup information:
- Time for time stamp at the last backed up power on
- Single processor operation
Current/last startup type:
- Warm restart triggered by switch setting; last power on backed up
Permissibility of certain startup types:
- Manual warm restart permitted
- Automatic warm restart permitted
Last valid operation or setting of automatic startup type at power on:
- Warm restart triggered by switch setting; last power on backed up
Previous operating mode: STARTUP (warm restart)
Requested operating mode: RUN
Incoming event
08:30:11.743 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 4302  FF68  C700  0000  0813  7713)

Event 2 of 10:  Event ID 16# 1381
Request for manual warm restart
Startup information:
- Startup without modified system configuration
- No difference between setpoint and actual configuration
- Time for time stamp at the last backed up power on
- Single processor operation
Current/last startup type:
- Warm restart triggered by switch setting; last power on backed up
Permissibility of certain startup types:
- Manual warm restart permitted
- Automatic warm restart permitted
Last valid operation or setting of automatic startup type at power on:
- Warm restart triggered by switch setting; last power on backed up
Requested OB: Startup OB (OB100)
OB not found, or disabled, or cannot be started in the in the current operating mode
Incoming event
08:30:11.742 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 1381  FE64  C772  0000  0813  7713)

Event 3 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4301
Mode transition from STOP to STARTUP
Startup information:
- Time for time stamp at the last backed up power on
- Single processor operation
Current/last startup type:
- Warm restart triggered by switch setting; last power on backed up
Permissibility of certain startup types:
- Manual warm restart permitted
- Automatic warm restart permitted
Last valid operation or setting of the automatic startup type at power on:
- Warm restart triggered by switch setting; last power on backed up
Previous operating mode: STOP (internal)
Requested operating mode: STARTUP (warm restart)
Incoming event
08:30:11.653 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 4301  FF46  C772  0000  0813  7713)

Event 4 of 10:  Event ID 16# 38C4
Distributed I/Os: station return
Address of the affected DP slave: station number:    7
DP master system ID:      1
Log. base address of the DP slave: Input address:  2044
Log. base address of the DP master:   2047
Requested OB: Rack failure OB (OB86)
OB not found, or disabled, or cannot be started in the current operating mode
External error, Outgoing event
08:19:18.320 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 38C4  FE56  C054  07FF  07FC  0107)

Event 5 of 10:  Event ID 16# 38C4
Distributed I/Os: station return
Address of the affected DP slave: station number:    6
DP master system ID:      1
Log. base address of the DP slave: Input address:  2046
Log. base address of the DP master:   2047
Requested OB: Rack failure OB (OB86)
OB not found, or disabled, or cannot be started in the current operating mode
External error, Outgoing event
08:19:08.663 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 38C4  FE56  C054  07FF  07FE  0106)

Event 6 of 10:  Event ID 16# 5371
Distributed I/Os: End of the synchronization with a DP master/IO controller  on slot   2
Number of distributed stations:   2
Incoming event
08:19:07.904 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 5371  FF02  C150  0002  0000  0000)

Event 7 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4358
All modules are ready for operation
Operating mode: STOP (internal)
Incoming event
08:19:05.462 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 4358  FF44  0000  0000  0000  0000)

Event 8 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4357
Module monitoring time started
Operating mode: STOP (internal)
Incoming event
08:19:04.184 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 4357  FF44  0000  0000  0000  0000)

Event 9 of 10:  Event ID 16# 430E
Memory reset executed
Previous operating mode: STOP (memory reset)
Requested operating mode: STOP (own initialization)
Incoming event
08:19:00.952 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 430E  FF23  0000  0000  0000  0000)

Event 10 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4546
STOP caused by CPU memory management
Previous operating mode: STOP (own initialization)
Requested operating mode: STOP (memory reset)
Internal error, Incoming event
08:18:58.337 AM  03/10/1995
(Coding: 16# 4546  FF32  C0C0  8FFE  0000  0000)

級別: 探索解密
精華主題: 0
發帖數量: 17 個
工控威望: 107 點
下載積分: 835 分
在線時間: 11(小時)
注冊時間: 2010-01-04
最后登錄: 2024-07-17
查看volcanol的 主題 / 回貼
1樓  發表于: 2016-12-24 13:54

